• By confirming that you wish to purchase any item on firesupplies.in, you are confirming that you agree with our full user Terms & Conditions.
  • We cannot guarantee that every item displayed on firesupplies.in is in stock and available for delivery. We will contact customers who have ordered products that are out of stock and customers will NOT be charged for these items.
  • Delivery charges shall be charged extra based on weight and dimensions of the package and your destination.
  • We make every effort to provide clear and accurate product details. Where the product is available in various colors or patterns, we cannot guarantee that your preferred color will be delivered unless the product color is stated in the product title. If the product does not match the stated description, photograph or reviews once receiving it, you can return it within 7 working days of receiving it, in an unused condition.
  • Customers agree to the Sale terms, subject to the stated price for all selected items, and complete their order for their selected items by pressing the ‘confirm’ button at the end of the checkout process.
  • We will send all customers an acknowledgment email detailing the products that they have ordered.
  • We will send all customers a dispatch confirmation email once their products have been shipped.
  • We will notify you if we do not accept sales before we dispatch your items. Customers must notify us if they wish to cancel their order before items are dispatched. We reserve the right to refuse a sale at our sole discretion, however, non-acceptance of the sale on behalf of firesupplies.in will usually take place for one or more of the following reasons:
  • The product(s) you ordered is out of stock. We will inform you of this by email. We will inform you once they come back into stock and you can place a new order if you wish to order the item(s) again.
  • We were unable to authorize your payment. We will inform you of this by email. Your order will be canceled and you must place your order again if you wish to purchase the item(s) by another method.
  • We identify that the product you ordered was priced incorrectly or the description contained incorrect details. We will email you to inform this of the revised details and ask you whether you wish to proceed with the order.
  • We are not liable for any delays to our stated delivery times and we cannot guarantee how long it will take to process your payment.
  • Please check the Delivery Policy before placing an order. We may change the terms of our delivery policy at any time so please re-read every time you place an order. If you need further assistance, contact us at [email protected]. We cannot guarantee an assigned delivery time for your items. If you are not at home when we deliver your order, we will try again at a different time of day. If we still cannot reach you at home, you may have to contact your local postal depot.
  • We accept no responsibility if your card details or firesupplies.in user name and password are used by another person because you have knowingly or unknowingly shared them outside the firesupplies.in site. You are responsible for all activities that occur under your username and password.
  • Customers have a right to return products they have not used within 7 working days of receiving them, providing items have incurred no wear or damage since being delivered to the customer and products are returned in their original packaging. If we are satisfied with the condition of returned items we will issue customers with a replacement or store credit for the value of the item(s). In some cases, we can also issue refunds to customers. Please see our Returns Policy for more details.
  • These conditions of sale are liable to change at any time and are effective at the time of your specific sale. Please read through the terms of sale every time you wish to place an order. As with all our Terms & Conditions, these conditions of sale are governed by Indian law.